Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Weekend @ the Florescu's

Carter & I drove down with Papa & Grammie
for a night this past weekend.
The kids had a blast, with only a couple of incidents.
Bella & Carter are getting better at "playing nice"
with each other.

"The Nap After the Nap"
This is what happens when you play too hard.

Daddy's Little Copy-cat

Carter likes to do everything that Daddy does.
"Time to Shave"


-Playing at the Mall-

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Crossroads Village 2007

These pictures were taken on 11-25-07. This
was Carter's first trip to Crossroads Village.
He absolutely loved the train ride! We went
with G-ma Rhoads, Uncle Tom, Janae, and
Alexis. It was quite cold; but we still had fun!

Here's an adorable picture of Carter & Andrea!
He acts so bashful and shy around her. It's
almost like he's flirting with her. He gets the
biggest smile on his face.

Here are a few fall pictures of Carter & daddy
playing in the leaves.