Friday, November 7, 2008

Carter & Abby Update...

Our Carter will be 3 in February; and Abby is now 6 months. Wow! Time deffinately flies by fast. Carter still loves his cars & trucks. Now whenever we get a catalog or magazine in the mail, he is fast to grab it and find which toys he wants for Christmas. (That didn't take long; he's still 2). Abby's a little wobbly; but she can sit up all by herself now. She is also able to get up on her hands and knees and plop herself onto her belly an inch forward at at time. (So far, this is her method of crawling). As of right now, she loves her baby oatmeal, veggies, and fruit. (I'll keep my fingers crossed).

Halloween Rounds...

This year Carter was a Detriot Tigers Baseball Player, complete with a Lightning McQueen Cars baseball hat of course! Abby was a little Pumpkin (thanks to her cousin Bella). We made our usual rounds to Nana & Papi's, Grandma & Papa Rhoads', Grandma & Papa Jeffery's, and a new stop to Mr. Tim's house (Tim & Sue Johnson). At first, Carter was all about putting candy into the little trick-or-treater's bags. Then the bigger kids made their appearance. Most of them were wearing pretty scary masks. That was the end of our little candy helper. Abby was content just being out and about. Here are a few pictures from our eventful night, as well as some of Bella and Carter carving pumpkins with Papa and Grandma.

Checking out all the goodies!

Pumpkin guts are still kinda yucky!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We Have a Screamer!

Abby just loves anything that Carter says and does. This was the reaction I was able to capture on video the other night. Sorry about the quality of the video. All you really need is the audio anyways. Watch and enjoy!

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Big Boy Bed for our Big Boy

As you can see, Carter loves his new Big Boy Bed! Thank you Aunt Leslie and Bella for this new "toy." As soon as we put it together, he wanted to get his Pooh Bear book and read a story all by himself. He sleeps great in it too. He hasn't even fallen out once.

Pumpkin Pickin' Time

This is what we did for our last Saturday in September. We took the kids to get their pumpkins with Papa and Grandma Jeffery. We also went to the Apple Orchard for some donuts and let the kids play. As you can see, Jack couldn't wait for an apple. He probably would have eaten the core if we let him. We were probably at the pumpkin site for about a good hour. There were just so many photo opportunities, as you can see. The kids had a great time!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Abby's Cereal Time

Abby is now 5 months. This is her first encounter with solid food. It came back out a couple of times; but overall she didn't seem to mind very much. She'd probably rather gum the spoon though. After she got use to the taste, she thought the whole thing was kind of funny. Big brother thought it was pretty cool. He was excited when I told him we were going to give Abby some cereal.

What's New with Carter...

Carter is 2 and a half now and is deffinately all boy! Wow! Where does the time go? He loves going to the park, playing baseball, kicking his big blue ball as high as he can, and playing with his hundreds of cars. Here are a few recent pictures.

-Going down the big slide-

This is what Carter would call a "Honkin' Parkin' Lock."

(You know, where you park your cars.)

He loves his chicken!

-Smiling for Mommy-

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Glasses...

The other day, Carter decided to see if his play glasses would fit Abby. As you can see, they're a pretty good fit. I just had to grab my camera.

~Abby laughing at her silly big brother~

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our Growing Girl...

It's hard for us to believe, but Abby is already 4 months old! She loves to watch and laugh at her big brother Carter; which she thinks is hilarious! She also has learned to scoot forward on her tummy using her feet. Her big brother still thinks she is pretty cool. He tells me, "I love my Abby sister." How priceless is that?
She loves her "baby!"

See, tummy-time's not so bad.

Look at that smile!

A Stay @ Papa & Grandma Jeffery's...

We are finally back in our house. As some of you know, we were having our hardwood floors refinished. This called for a getaway to the grandparents' for almost 2 weeks. You would have thought Carter was on vacation. He loved being at Papa & Grandma's! We used this time to introduce him to a toddler bed. He only fell out once. Yeah Carter!!! He is also in the process of serious potty training. He's doing great! Mommy hasn't actually brought out the big boy underwear; but he's wearing the cool alert pull-ups. He still has accidents (and would still rather poop in his pants); but we're getting there. He gets M&Ms for using the potty, which he thinks is pretty great! Just this past Sunday, he actually used the potty in his Sunday school class. (Mommy was shocked!)

Here's a small clip of how Carter kept himself busy. I'm not sure, but I think he's helping Grandma with the acorns. Ha! Ha!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

All I can say is, "He's Daddy's Boy!"

I just had to publish this video! Carter is deffinately my little "Ham!" Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

Washing D.C., Here We Come!

We drove to Washington D.C. at the end of July. We met Lee's sister and her family there. Carter liked playing with his cousin GiGi, swiming, and riding the metro (above/underground subway). This trip to D.C. was a first for our whole family. We saw quite a bit and had lots of fun! Next time we go, we'll make sure the kids are much older and the weather a lot cooler.
-Washington Monument-

-Abby & Aunt Krissy-

-Cooling off in the fountain-

-Naps were few and far between-

-GiGi & Carter @ Arlington Cemetary-

-White House-

-Changing of the Guard-

-White House again-


-Lincoln Memorial-

4th of July

This year we spent the 4th at Lee's Grandma's on Lake Fenton. This was also the first time Carter had ever seen fireworks. At first, he wanted to leave. But by the time the show was over, he admitted to liking them.

Another first: Great Grandma meeting Abigail.

Just hanging out on the dock with Daddy.

Say Cheese...

We just got our new camera; and I couldn't wait to try it out. Here are a couple of moments I was able to capture.

"Pretty in Pink"

Smiling at my big brother.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Abby's Fans...

Of course, these are not Abby's only fans. She has many other adoring fans that have not been caught on film and/or haven't had the priveledge of meeting her yet.
Mommy, Daddy & Carter

Nana & Papi

Grammie Jeffery

Papa Jeffery

Papa Rhoads

Grammie Rhoads

Aunt Leslie

Uncle Jordan

Uncle Gary

Cousin Alexis